Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Curiouser and Curiouser, Broughton St.

5 years of blips!!! Wooohooo!

Feeling quite proud of myself, I've even managed to photograph something for every single day (even when I was in hospital - now that's dedication!) although it sometimes takes me a while to get them up! My New Year's resolution is to upload and write my blip on the actual day instead of trying to remember what happened a week later!

It's brilliant looking back at the last five years, some of it's been really tough, some of it's been great. More than anything it reinforces how amazing my family and my friends are, I have some really wonderful people in my life and I'm incredibly thankful for that.

Love you guys - you know who you are ;)

Thanks to everyone who has read and commented on my journal over the years, I've never done it for anyone but myself but it's always lovely to hear from people and share some of the crazy. And, even better, it's been the start of some really wonderful friendships too!

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