Margate reflections

Went across to Margate for the first time in ages. Had a look at the Sketching Nature exhibition at the Turner, which was great till someone brought in their screaming child. I understand that people want to get their kids into art, but he was about a year old and only wanted to run around and scream. So why not let him do that outside somewhere, let him get it out of his system then come back when he's having a nap? Then everyone, including the parents, can enjoy the exhibition in peace. He doesn't care whether the boat is painted by Constable or a five year old, but the parents had to leave and really wanted to see the exhibition, but they managed to disrupt it for everyone there but bringing him in at the wrong time.

Anyway, rant over. Margate was lovely, as always. Finished off the Christmas shopping, had some lunch and wandered round. Beautiful day, and took this of one of the windows of a closed gallery on the harbour arm.

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