Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Last time

Yes, I know I'm whining…but, look how close it is!! A friend of mine told me that this was great for old people and those who are in some way disabled… and yes, of course it is…so I should quit being a selfish whiner… ;) I guess I'll get used to it… some day.

On a much happier note, just came back from my jog and walk and it was just SO SO SO SO SO SO lovely!! Not the stepping in dog poo-part and having to clean the shoe, but everything else! Never mind the occasional drizzle and the grey and dampness… I think I managed to jog for almost a kilometer in one 'take' and that's just so amazingly fun!! :)

Now I just have to drag myself into the shower and get of to 'my' teenagers at work. :)
Hope you all have a great monday!!


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