S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Ann thinks I’ve got S.A.D?!

Today it’s been grey and miserable and I’ve been feeling a bit lethargic. We went to the river this afternoon for my walk and it was so muddy that Ann had to wear her wellies.

................But look how clean I’ve managed to stay.

My paws are a little bit muddy, but just look how clean my tummy is. I didn’t do any mud wallowing or swimming or running. I just trotted along behind Ann in good little collie mode.

I’ve come home, gobbled up my dinner and now I’m snoozing again. These dark evenings are making me depressed.

However Ann says in a few days time it will be the shortest day of the year...................... And then the nights will start getting lighter again. Yay!

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