
I thought I'd have a restful day, I worked hard to get the orders packed in just over an hour, I'd just sat down with a cup of coffee. Then I glanced at the calendar. It was the 16th. It was 10.20. The surgery is 1.2 google miles away.

I knew I had a 10.30 appointment on the 16th. It's funny how I can swim a mile with ease but running it severely hinders my ability to breathe.

I just didn't know it was the 16th. dr Steve didn't think it was a problem I never seem to know what day it is anymore but it clearly is. I am changing meds next year for sure.

I got there at 10.35 in time for the auto check in to berate me for lateness and say dr f was 10 minutes behind. Hypocritical machine.

After that I went all the way back to get my swim kit that I hadn't packed and didn't have time. The pool is opposite the surgery so this was annoying.

Rest. Ha. Next: present wrapping.

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