From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Oh how I love Mondays!

I sprang out of bed full of enthusiasm and joie de vivre at 5am this morning! Yippee! Another week had begun full of promise; a blank canvas as yet unblemished with which to happily skip through the days!

What a load of ££&@£***!! It was so dreary when I walked up the High Street this morning.There wasn't even any rubbish music playing in Zombieland/McDonalds today. It was a good job I had my own internal music cheering me on today, nicely started by the 'Name That Tune' on the radio when I was in the shower. It was ridiculously easy. It will be today's track but you'll have to wait until you get through this tedious waffle first before you get to that. I did have some wild excitement when I got into the office shortly after 7 when the door was opened. A couple of people had been to a Socitm (Society of Information Technology Management) conference in London last week and clearly filled a carrier bag with free pens to bring back to the office and there were two waiting for me on my desk. Clearly no one sat at my desk on Thursday/Friday last week when I was home working, otherwise they would have disappeared!

My new pen hasn't improved my handwriting unfortunately. Maybe I'll try the other one tomorrow. Anyway, Caroline who works on Care First Support told me I missed a great Blipfoto opportunity on Friday last week. I assumed she was on about the Christmas jumper day but apparently there was a fire in the multi storey carpark next to Marks and Spencers. Well it looked OK when I wandered past it on the way to McDonalds this morning. It's amazing how Blipfoto has even got people in the office looking for photo opportunities for me! Mind you, I've had plenty of two finger salutes when I have waved my camera at various team members too...

Anyway, I wandered out at lunchtime into the lunacy that is Solihull at Christmas and decided in the interests of public decency to use the street lamp picture - no idea why it was on in the middle of the day - rather than this man I nearly fell over. It could have been worse I suppose!

Track? In the absence of me being able to think of a song about arses, let's have this excellent track from my shower this morning - Start Me Up

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