
By Tryfan46

Smash and Grab

Excitement down at Tesco's this morning. I arrived to get some eggs and post parcels to find large areas of the car park cordoned off and lots of police around. Turns out that the digger in this shot had been used to ram raid the cash machines at the supermarket early this morning.

The thieves stole the digger from an adjacent building site and drove it through the site fence and Tesco's hedge and smashed their way into the store. I'm not sure if they actually got away with anything as the BBC South East Today News talked about an "attempted burglary. But they certainly made a bit of a mess. And how glad I was to have the iPhone in my pocket! Just goes to show that you should carry a camera all the time. And there I was wondering what I might blip today - it being wet, dank and dark.

The rest of the day was more usual, bit of work on the websites and then up to Doreen's to install her electric fire. Dinner was left over Shepherd's Pie from Saturday with sprouts and left over carrots and broccoli.

We were going to walk again this evening but Susan couldn't summon up the energy after working and icing the Christmas cake.

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