I didn't make sure Neil was up by 7.45am because he wasn't here. He didn't come home at all. I assumed - quite rightly - that he spent the night at a friends and wasn't dead in a ditch. His phone had no battery left so he couldn't let me know. He got to work anyway and did a short shift finishing at 3pm. Then he came home, had a quick bite to eat, wrapped his girlfriends Christmas present and he was off again. He was going to have "fake" Christmas dinner with his girlfriend as she is off back to her family home in Ireland tomorrow. Then this evening they went to see Russell Brand at Newcastle City Hall. At the moment Neil never seems to have a moment to spare.

I've had a quiet day at home - last bit of online Christmas shopping is done. My sister in law called round this afternoon to give me a Christmas card and invited me to her house on Thursday. It will be nice to have an evening with her and my brother.

Been to slimming group this evening. I lost one pound this week. It was taster night and I took my home made mince pies. Another lady had also made mince pies so there was no shortage. Other goodies on offer were cheese pasties, quiche, biscuits, malt loaf, crab sticks and boiled eggs. And " proper" Christmas cake made by Joanne. No idea how many syns were in each piece but I think it was loads as it was very delicious. Not so much food on offer as there usually is on taster nights as a lot of ladies didn't stay after they got weighed and some didn't turn up at all. Busy time of year - other things to do I guess.

Weather today has been windy and bitterly cold.

The Forum Challenge today is uniform. Got me thinking and made me realise I haven't worn any kind of uniform since my schooldays. These shirts are Neil's work uniform. He has 4 of them and its a constant battle for me to have them washed and ironed for when he needs them. He often has 3 in the wash at the same time if he has stayed at his girlfriends for a couple of nights so its a rush to get them ready to wear again. I was actually ironing these 2 shirts at 2am this morning.

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