Laura Land

By LJBlips

Obsessive Behaviour

Very rarely get a still of Tabby, if she's near you she's too close to photograph and you can't get away from her to get an in focus shot...I wouldn't have it any other way.

Kitty on the other hand doesn't have any idea what Tabby is, other than that she is not a human so ignores her...unless Tabby gets really obsessed with sniffing Kitty...which Kitty thinks is annoying. Today I saw Tabby wash Kitty. I have never seen that happen before. Kitty didn't bat an eyelid, but if I was Kitty I'd feel aggrieved that my fur post washing by Tabby looks all stuck up and wet. It wasn't very good washing and licking, it was more like Tabby had decided to eat Kitty, but fortunately realised she wouldn't manage her whole.

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