S1 - Another Day

By S1

Crackers for lunch?

Today we headed into the city centre to do some exploring and finish our Christmas shopping. We knew the weather was meant to turn in the afternoon so knew it may only be a short trip.

The first stop was to find some lunch. Not being familiar with the area S2 did a quick review search and then off we headed to a lovely little cafe. The reviews were spot on! It was cozy with great food! CJ even tried mussels for the first time.

As they were all set up for Xmas, every table had xmas crackers. CJ was intrigued by them and spent a lot of time trying to figure out what they were. As he'd been such a good boy during lunch we decided to show him what they did. The first one was a bit of a shock but the second one definitely got some smiles and giggles!

After lunch we managed to finish the Xmas shopping and even found a great butcher, Chinese supermarket and fresh produce store! A very successful day despite the wind and rain that arrived after lunch!

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