Christmas Shopping

For Annie an early start for work with a drive to Bristol. For me (Chris) a more leisurely day as I was on holiday. Given I've just come off the back of my first two weeks commuting into London for work you'd think I'd want a change of scene. Well no, Christmas shopping was calling so I decided London was the safest place to tick as much off the list as possible. Quite different taking a 10am train rather than the 6.30am though!

London was busy but not too busy. I actually found Covent Garden relatively quiet, just filling up a bit more after lunch. It was good to find a few things not in the mainstream stores and as much as I like shopping online, sometimes you just need to browse.

One upside of being on holiday on a Monday was I got to running club tonight. My week and a bit without a run showed but it was great to be there. The rain held off and it was actually mild.

Just had to mention we sailed through the 100,000 views on our journal yesterday. That seems an unreal number so many many thanks to all those that come and visit :).

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