A Thousand Words

By Miskelbel

Graduate School.

EEP! I swung by my mailbox today to see if I had any blue slips (I'm waiting for THREE packages right now), and I found this instead.

You know you're going to be graduating this year when you have to think about graduate school. I'm scared as hell wondering which school would be the most beneficial for me to go to. So far, my top three choices are Gallaudet University, Boston University, and McDaniel College. I'm fortunate that none of IL colleges have a MA program for Deaf Education or they'll be added to the mix.

It's hard to decide which direction my life will take for the next two years. I want to go someplace else, but at the same time, I don't want to stray too far. I can't imagine beginning my life all over again in another location after this.

Decisions, decisions.

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