
I took this picture out of the bedroom window moments after I got out of bed. It began as a pale pink streak which brightened into darker pink and gold as I stood there watching. Moments later, it was gone, swallowed whole by the rising sun. OilMan, who gets up earlier than I do said there was also a wonderful moonset this morning, the near full moon appearing larger and larger as it neared the horizon, and before it sank below the curve of the earth. Ephemeral events which are never the same two days in a row, and which we often miss because we weren't looking out the window at the right moment.

Much too late to be timely, I am finally getting back some stamina, and am scrambling to catch up with friends and family in traditional fashion. The outrageously expensive pills are working, for which I am grateful, and I am also grateful that we can afford them, but every time I take one (three times a day) I think of the people who can't even afford to eat three times a day. Every time I go to the market, I give some money to the local food bank, but that is not really a solution to the deep inequalities in our political, economic and social fabric.

On our kitchen wall in Berkeley we had a quote taken from a sundial on the side of a house in a village in the Alps--THE SUN RISES FOR EVERYONE. It is a basic connection which seems to be overlooked more and more....

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