Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Not more Food & Drink

Yes, more of both.

Last badminton session tonight and as has become tradition, we skipped the usual drink in the pub for drink and nibbles at home (Coral's home on this occasion). It really does feel like an endless feast right now, and there is more to come this week.

Had a good day at work today. Appraisal results and the annual salary discussion. Unsurprisingly, there are NO salary increases for the whole of the UK but I did get a reasonable bonus, so given the current climate, I'm rather pleased. Of course, when you factor in tax and NI, you have to seriously scale down your plans to spend said bonus. The Porsche Boxter will have to be put on hold but I will be able to pay for the small area of rust on the boot of the 15 year old MX5 to be repaired.

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