There's a screw loose
This is a wind-up torch. This type of torch is very useful if you have to use a torch a lot because you don't need to bother about batteries: if it runs out, you just wind it up again.
This particular torch cycles between one LED on, three LEDs on, three LEDs flashing, and off, depending on how many times you press the button.
Annoyingly, the button stopped working after we'd used it a few times. I bought a different kind to replace it, but left this one on the side in the galley.
Tonight, I caught sight of it, and I picked it up and noticed screws on the underside. I found a suitable screwdriver and took it apart. Perhaps I should have taken a photo of that.
I clicked the inner button, but nothing happened. I checked the connections, but there was nothing amiss. I wound the handle to see the mechanism work. A feeble glow appeared. I remembered I couldn't turn it off before so I'd let it run out of oomph.
I wound it up some more and tested the button. It worked fine. I screwed the cover back on loosely and tested it; it was fine. I tightened up the screws and tested it; it didn't work. I loosened the screws a tad; it worked.
This is the first time I've ever fixed anything by loosening screws rather than tightening them.
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