Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

A Happy Fact

Fact is our local go-to transport company that, for complicated reasons, is also owned by us (DHL). Now they are putting in a tender for one of our largest customers (they want to get into the drug trade too). So they asked me to take a couple of man-and-van shots to win the deal.

All the shots are on my Facebook page...or most of them are at the moment - I need to finish the rest now.

Casper hates having his photo taken and this was a very lucky shot, the alternatives were shocking. Tacky or Crap .....what do you offer your client? (I think this is tacky b.t.w.)

Oh, ....the "happy fact" is that I really think the A77 is "my" camera now. It's all my old camera was; in terms of being familiar but also has all the things I wanted it to have. Although the camera does not make the shot, a good one makes it easier. I can see this by the number of shots I have to take now.

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