Chris' New Hairdo!

Been a manic day after all that happened and spending 8 hours sat down in the hospital yesterday!

My day started taking Eleanor to the Docs as she was being sick and then getting her home tucked up in bed. With over 3 days of work to catch up with at our busiest time of the year, I had no chance to take Meg out for a walk at lunchtime. I rarely work over my dinner break as I believe having breaks are very important. But today was one of the rare exceptions!

Sat down after dinner chatting as we always do as a family, Eleanor decided to put my hair up in a bun! I love it when Eleanor plays around with my hair, I have had many things done to it since growing it long, including straightening! It is naturally curly and if left it looks like I have had it permed!

A photo seemed to be the obvious thing to do!

This means it is a bit of cheat as I never took it, but of course I did set it up as all the top professionals do, leaving someone else to press the shutter.

Cannot believe how tired I look, but that, I guess is to be expected with everything that has happened over the last few days.

As you can see, we like a lot of candles on our dinner table at Christmas!

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