Sun up over Berwick

I only discovered when I got to the station that I had dropped myadvance purchase train tickets before I left the house (Mr H later found them under the table) so had to buy a full price return - ai-eeee! Or to put it another way, £43 instead of £18. Or rather, £43 as well as £18.

Still, the view from the train was particularly fine. I tried getting the sun coming up over the sea, but the combination of the angle and the double glazing of the train window meant there were three we're down to just the main one plus a wee ghost. This was taken at about 08:40 GMT - interesting to compare with paivi's at 09.07 (or is that Finnish time?)

Earlier on I'd caught a few fleeting glimpses of a beautiful full moon setting behind the trees and houses as I went up Leith Walk on a bus.
It wasn't possible for me to get a photo though, which forced me to look at it through my own eyes!

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