0804 to Leeds


“It’s hard to find a subject with freckles, it’s not very common”
“Yeah. I'm into photography a bit and I like older faces mainly”

Bit of a manic day today, rushing around from one place to the other. First, it was getting to work, then rushing out a few hours later to get a stranger portrait.

As Jody walked past me I instantly noticed her freckles. I don't think I've taken a portrait of a freckled face before (though I could be wrong). There’s something unknowingly attractive about them I think. Take the freckles away from Jody’s face here and the portrait would turn into something fairly ordinary, but with the freckles there’s some character, natural decoration.

It seems there are dozens of groups dedicated to freckle photos and portraits, I stumbled on this which displays some amazing work...though some are extremely enhanced.

Humans of Leeds

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