
By RunAndrewRun

My mountains of mountains

Running rest-day ...

... and still trying to keep the 'Scottish poetry theme' going; you may recognise this photo - but it's from a different book-cover!

The pictured volume is a 1996 biography of Norman MacCaig, and here's an excerpt from the poem 'Above Inverkirkaig' which is quoted within:


I watch across a loch
where seatrout are leaping,
Suiliven and Cul Mor, my
mountains of mountains,
looming and pachydermatous in the thin light
of a clear half moon. Something swells
in my mind, in my self, as though
I were about to be enlarged,
to enclose information and secrets
that lie just beyond me that I would utter
in one short, stupendous sentence, to the everlasting
benefit of mankind and landscapes and me ---
a pregnant feeling that is, naturally, caused
by love.

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