Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

This is my view for at least half of the day, every day. Little squishy hand holding onto my bottom half, body wobbling beneath him as he stands. It drives me bananas but I know it won't be long before he's onto the next stage (walking) and I will miss it.

We had another rough night last night. Isaac did not really settle all evening and then at 3am he had a fever again. I dosed him up with baby nurofen and then he screamed for an hour becuase he was all snotty and tired.

He hasn't been too bad all day, the fever was completely gone by the time we got up at 7.30 and touch wood, hasn't come back since. But he has been super tired all day.

Chris was working 3pm - 12pm again so we had him with us this morning and he took Amelie to nursery.

She was quite quiet (tired I suspect) when I picked her up but we went to the library and chose some new books.

I made a rubbish dinner but it was finished by both of them.

So far Isaac has been asleep since 7 and its now almost half 10. I'm hoping this is just what he needs to feel better. I've been wrapping presents and watching Harry Potter. Bed is definitely calling now!

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