Going Down

Part of the decommissioned Cockenzie Power Station was to be demolished this afternoon so, expected postal delivery and booked telephone call both successfully received, we were free to go along to watch.

Not all the complex was to come down today, we didn't know which part but a simple question affirmed it was 'the black thing' between the iconic twin chimneys and the main block. A modest crowd had gathered, many ready with camera on tripod, trained on the appropriate building.

The two siren warnings sounded and we were all poised to record the 14-unit block falling to its doom...then the explosive bang, (which set off the babies' crying), upon which the end unit gracefully fell sideways in a cloud of dust...with excitement we waited for the others to go...'til the policeman nearby smiled and said that was the end of the show.

As demolitions go it was something of a damp squib, but, as they say, 'it's aye an outing'. So we took a nice walk along the shore afterwards in the chilly breeze.

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