South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Morning gilds the sky!

I made the most of the morning sunshine to take this blip. Does anyone else have fun finding shapes of animals/faces in clouds? In fact, we had sunshine on and off until mid-afternoon when it became very grey, cold and damp, but no rain as yet. I think we're mostly getting that this evening and overnight with the strong winds.

Very busy day today, one way and another. Got a lot of ironing done, plus more wrapping - and have what I've got for who straight in my head! I found one or two presents that I'd forgotten buying because I stored them away so long ago!

Hubby was invited to a men's Christmas lunch today, so no invite for me! So I cooked a chicken roast here for me and Paul which we thoroughly enjoyed. Overbought on chocolates for Christmas, so enjoyed some of them myself this afternoon! Fudge and toffee Quality Street - yum!

Now I've got things straight in my head I can get on and think about church music and preparations for that. Ahhh, the real meaning of Christmas! :-)

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