Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Can Can Wool

Yesterday I bought some ‘Can Can’ wool. The lady in the shop explained how you knit with this and that there were instructions inside the ball band. Fortunately she also told me that there is a video on the Internet showing how it is done. It is just as well that the video was there otherwise I would have needed a month of Sunday’s to figure it out.

Today’s blip shows how far I got last night; not very far as I also watched another Harry Potter film. When you start to use the wool, it appears to be slow and fiddly and mine is not as even as the ones I saw in the shop or on the video. However as it is for me and for practise I am quite pleased with it. The lady in the shop said her daughter knits one of these in an evening, I am not sure how long her evenings are or maybe she does not watch Harry Potter!

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