
By Dotty


I was magnificent at it today! Not one raindrop got me.

Although I did manage to put my hand through a window pane this morning: wobbling on a chair, very high up on the second floor of a very Big 'Ouse on the top of a hill... that was a bit scary. (I survived.)

And then I dashed home, popped a curry in the slow cooker, got changed and dashed out again to meet my Twitter chum David who just happened to be passing on a jaunt from Spain.

And then I dashed home again for the boys, then we all dashed back into town to get Teddy on his bus for football and then it all went a bit awry with Charlie. They are both shattered. Charlie snapped first... it wasn't pretty.

And now I've got pizza to make for Teddy's class party tomorrow and the last of the ironing to get ready for collection and then I'll be dashing into bed.

I'm looking forward to the weekend a LOT.

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