A break in the clouds

Another busy day on the ward. Not as stressful though as an equally busy day in the office, as there is no paper work to do tomorrow or next week. There are a lot of advantages to working in a team.

The sun was bright, the sky mostly blue and the temperature high for Auckland at this time of the year. Cloudy, however, by the time I headed home.

Spent time with my daughters. J was holding a Christmas/end of year, /one year in solo practice gathering. Good to see her getting support from friends and contacts. It is pleasing to me as their father that my two girls (and my son in Sydney, but he wasn't here tonight) are making their way in such a positive fashion.

Then back home to where we were looking after two boys who are now free from school until February, and this is the view from the deck as the only photo taken during the day (actually two others at the same time; this was the best). Sausages and potatoes for dinner; excellent boy food.

Early night, and one day before the weekend.

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