Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Feeding the animals

The lucky animal Christmas tree decorations (and some pipers) got breakfast courtesy of Rhona this morning. She seems better this morning, still full of the cold but colds I can deal with! She even slept all night in her bed, waking twice but quickly back down after I told her she wasn't getting to go sleep next to Mamma and Dadda!

Euan however was not himself. He went up for a sleep at 11.30, insisting that he wanted to go to nursery so we woke him at 12.30 and he was still insistent. we took him and made the teachers aware that he was not 100% and left.40 minute later we had a call to say best we came to get him as he was not himself and had piety much sat in the same spot and done nothing. He was glad to get home I think and after 2 hours in his bed he seems much better.

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