Dramatic day!

Only noon & I can't remember a day that began so dramatically!
6am start to make pieces & stuff for no1 son who was going out at 6.15
The poor bugger had no sooner got in his car than the Heavens opened first with the hailstones the size of golf balls! followed by thunder claps & the craziest lightening ever! Being a mother you naturally worry about him driving in that horrendous weather! Couldn't settle. Finally got up and plootered about and noticed the Abbie dog was looking quite poorly and wouldn't eat her dinner. Then about 8.30 no1 son came back as their work was cancelled, boy was I glad of that! As he didn't have the right kit for working in the hills in this winter weather, I took him out & kited him out with decent waterproofs, proper steel toe capped wellies and a big padded logger shirt with some thick socks. So that's him sorted for Christmas!
Was going to go to Glasgow to do some more shopping but the vet gave me stuff to give her every hour along with other stuff so here's hoping she gets better and all that BEFORE noon!
Stay safe guys cause the gales here last night were horrendous and the thunder & lightening had to be see to be believed
Just had a call from n02 daughter yet on the road to her work and guess what, the A83 is blocked so too is the A82. Her choice is to either do the torturous route she did two weeks ago or stay put behind the accident in the hope that they can clear the road. Either way when I phoned her work to tell them they said for her to stay put and not do the detour! Maybe they learned from their stupidity two weeks ago!

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