Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

In the Recovery Room

I had a procedure early this morning that required "going under anestesia." When they first assigned me to a bed, I was delighted to see that it was Bed #17. Some of you know how crazy I am about the number 17.

After the procedure, Mr. Fun woke me by clicking a photo. Here in the recovery room before giving me my "release" papers, the doctor gave me a clean bill of health (at least for today). Because Mr. Fun was having fun with the new iPhone's camera, I thought I'd post one of his photos.

Even though I was released before noon, it took several hours to regain total "awareness." Late in the afternoon Mr. Fun drove me to the campus because the doctor gave strict instructions: "no" driving today, but I needed to do a couple things before tomorrow's classes.

Now that evening has arrived, I'm okay . . . had creamy tomato soup for lunch and just ate a delicious dinner.

Good night,
Rosie & Mr. Fun, aka Carol

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