Xmas light scunner
Our Xmas tree this year is, by universal acclaim, the best we can remember. A single lengthy ribbon of Xmas tree lights is a significant factor in its success.
As is my current habit, this morning I got up before everyone else and switched the tree lights on before anyone got up. Since I don't go to work, it is the least I can do to send folk off on their merry way.
As they have done for a few mornings now, the lights twinkled on and I was cheered. My elevated mood remained for 2 seconds until the lights went out. Folks left for their work with slightly less merriment than planned.
In order to fix these lights, once the easy options of power cut or plug fuse have been ruled out, is to go systematically through them replacing each with a known working bulb until, in glorious solidarity, they all light up. There are many lights on the tree and this process takes some time and as I went round them some decorations were dislodged and fell onto the floor. One or two did not survive.
The expired bulb was eventually found and replaced. It took some time. In fact. the time taken was slightly less than the time it would have taken to drive to the shops and buy a new set.
I thought I would blip the lights and record this event. For every shot, the lights moved giving interesting abstract effects. Eventually I put the camera on a tripod which moves synchronously with the lights. And I got some clear shots.
But preferred the abstract ones.
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