
The rest of the family break up for Christmas at various points today (I've still got work tomorrow and Monday) and I'm meeting the girls after work later for a showing of 'It's a Wonderful Life' - let the festivities commence! And, in the news elsewhere today...

#8 'Remember Your Black Day' by Vatican Shadow

Dominick Fernow has released a positive slew of stuff in the last few years and it doesn't always seem as if quality control is one of his greatest strengths. That said, he seems to be on something of a roll at the moment in both his Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement and Vatican Shadow guises and 'Remember...' - itself bookended by a couple of equally compelling EPs, 'Atta's Apartment Slated for Demolition' and the beatier remixes of 'When You Are Crawling' - spreads it's distorted industrial techno rumble and sense of dread like a plume of smoke billowing over a burned out building. Curiously compelling stuff...

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