The 3-generations-Christmas-awwww-moment
As I spied this scene across the aisle from me on the Dart this morning, I felt compelled to reach for the camera and immortalise it.
It looked all so perfect, Granddad, Mum and Dad, and Granddaughter, all holding hands for a Christmassy-impromptu-joyful-let's-all-hold-hands little seance.
After I took the photograph and asked "Dad" if he wanted me to email him a copy of this wonderful 3-generations special moment, he informed me that he had never met "Granddad" before in his life. He was already on the train when the three of them got on board at Bayside station.
But what a feisty two year old wants, a feisty two year old gets.
How I laughed when I found out...
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