
By spitzimixi

the house got invaded by little girls this afternoon. Thankfully, I was at work. It may seem a bit heartless, but I haven't missed one single one of these events in her life until today and it felt absolutely fine to be doing something that I, to be honest, find more interesting that a girly birthday party. This blip is from Mr Spitzi's documentation of his heroic afternoon of little girls.

Ten years ago right now I was trying to decide whether to go to hospital and have a c-section or go to the midwife unit and have an induction. My waters had broken and previous experience showed that there was little point in waiting for my body to take the hint. Needless to say, I made the wrong decision and we only just lived to tell the tale. Ten years of water under the bridge makes it all seem far away but it was still something that had a major impact on my life. As I wished, I think I am getting to the point of processing it all - one day I might even be able to tell amusing anecdotes about it all.

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