Bouquet and Bokeh

It's been a busy day in the garden (first day of the holidays, yeah right!) but productive. I managed to get busy with the line trimmer in the top paddock, cutting some of the seed heads of the grass and generally having a tidy up before relocating Jock and Franklin there. Then Mrs H and myself lit a couple of bonfire, taking to the piles of cuttings and clippings from various pruning and weedpulling, taking advantage of the last weekend before we go into total fire ban.

It's been strange having a fire on the longest day - never before have we had a bonfire this late in the season, and it's even stranger given some of the hot days we've had. Despite those, the valley has retained its green-ness thanks to the odd decent rainfall here and there.

With a busy day behind me, tonight's blip sort of became an emergency blip. So here's some of our wonderful homegrown Christmas lilies with the out of focus highlights of the Christmas tree lights giving it even more of a festive feel.

For those who read this who are not familiar with technical camera terms, bokeh is the term given to "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light" [thanks Mr Wikipedia]. Oh, and yes, it can be pronounced in the same way as the bunch of flowers (bo-kay).

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