Web of [not much] Light

Check out those droplets big!

Another day of meetings and an interview over lunchtime. And it rained all day. So not opportunity to go on a blip hunt.

As the nights draw in my lunchtime escapes are more important to my sanity - and to get some light (and for my photos too)!

Another blip snapped on the way home this evening before Mrs42 and I cooked for friends.

I even made cookies! [and ate so many I feel a bit sick]

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LOTD: Why can't I choose ...

(1) Mr Smith's Upstairs Downstairs blip is very funny. Looks real until you look at it for a minute!

(2) The processing, textures and composition in Duchamp's The Great Leveller blip are just fab. Very arty.

(3) If you need a chuckle - check out boabfoto's "Woody's got Wood" blip (my title - he's left it untitled...)

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