
By kas18

Christmas is Coming....but I have no spirit.

Oscar was a grubby little boy again today. He loves to dig. I tried to smarten him up by putting his reindeer horns on him....I don't think it worked. Maisie wouldn't have any of it, her hat wouldn't stay on for two seconds.

I guess I've done the same as most people today....lots of shopping. I'm still not feeling very festive though. I'm not sure what it is but as much as the house is decorated, cards are coming through the door, presents are being exchanged, I'm still not feeling it. I would like an alternative Christmas next year but not sure what to do. Suggestions always welcome.

All my fitness classes have stopped for Christmas so I took myself off for a run this morning. I must do something or I'll end up like a Christmas pudding.

Had a nice meal out tonight. Baked sea bass and spinach which was wonderful. Then home to watch the Strictly final.

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