One click at a time

By KeithKnight

December Challenge - Vista

Day 15 of DDW/MollyMay's December daily challenge - Vista

This years Christmas card from me is this vista, taken while up at LPH in October.

It is a stitched panorama image, from 20 separate pictures in portrait format (with a pasue during the taking as the RAF visited the lake while I was doing this). The total image ended up at 180M pixels, so if I wanted to print it big I could go to an image over 7 ft long and maintain 300ppi photographic quality.

My blip for that day was taken at the same place.

On the works at home front, I have mostly finished the bathroom, I just have a new toilet roll holder to fix and a towel rail to put back, but I need my power tools which are at my eldest daughters at the moment. I even managed to re-putty part of the bathroom window, where it had hardened and fallen out.

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