A visit to Nanny and Grandads
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Eva wouldn't settle for her afternoon sleep today. She usually sleeps from around 12 til 2 without fail, but today had maybe 20 minutes and was awake again. She lay quite happily in her cot chattering away and playing with her few toys she has in there, but wouldn't drift back off, so I got her up in the end and wondered if she'd last til bedtime now.
We went round to my mom and Peter's then, and Eva had a lovely play there and showed off her ever improving crawling skills. I also took a bottle with me as I've maintained not feeding her myself during the day, what with her starting nursery soon. She's actually now started to grab the bottle herself and hungrily pull it towards her own mouth, so she's done a complete u turn re bottles, which I'm so relieved about.
My mom is starting to feel a bit better now, so gave Eva some lovely munches just before we left. I got some lovely photos of them including today's pic xxx
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