Bhuvana Sundaramoorthy

By bhuvans

Earth Quake in Sumatra Island

Earth Quake in Sumatra Island - 7.9 Magnitude

It was 6:15 PM in Singapore and I was at my desk working as usual. And then I felt that some one is rocking my chair. And after few seconds I realised that it was an earthquake. The building was shaking and we all should rush down to a safety place. But imagine coming down from 30th floor as ideally that's what you should do in case of emergency. But nah! I took the elivator hoping that it won't crash in between the floors. And we all came down safely and stood outside a 60 storey building. If you look for a safer shelter in the city limit I would say that we do not have one. We are surrounded by tall buildings and I could not imagine what would happen if any one of them crashed.

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