
By Haphazard


Today is market day. The Market Place is full of stalls - fruit and veg, linens, china, clothes. You name it, they sell it. Oh, and hats!

I admire the stall holders who keep this tradition going through rain, shine, snow and heat.

In my teens, I worked in a Green Grocers and though the shop sheltered us more, my fingers still froze in winter from the chilled produce and icy blasts through the open door.

Confession time...

I was not good at sport at school. I have poor eyesight and bad co-ordination. Why did Games Teachers pick on me?

One of these hockey-stick-wielding, monstrous women used to come into the shop for her fruit and veg. Sometimes I served her.

Dare I? Could I?

She never came back to complain. Rotten, Golden, Delicious victory.

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