
By mollymay49

A Scene

Here is a typical Australian Country Bush Scene.
The townsite of Muchea is located 57 km north of Perth and 13 km from Bullsbrook, the nearest town.

The name of the townsite is derived from the Aboriginal word "Muchela", a name first recorded by a surveyor in 1845 when surveying a property for George Fletcher Moore.
Moore was a keen student of the Aboriginal language.
The name Muchela is believed to have been changed to Muchea by Railway authorities.
A railway siding was opened at Muchea between 1892 and 1898, and some accounts state the "L" was carelessly dropped when the Midland Railway authorities were preparing the timetable.
The signwriter copied the timetable error onto the railway station name board, thus unwittingly naming a district.
In 1903 the government surveyed some small farm lots at the siding, and the townsite of Muchea was gazetted in 1904.
(I guess no-one wanted to cause a scene over a missing letter "L")
(Info of the town was found from the travel board of Muchea)

We drove through here looking for a shot of the Australian Christmas Tree ( Nuytsia Floribunda) the one here on the left is not at its best, I got some better shots later, this tree only flowers at Christmas Time.

Our youngest Son Gareth is celebrating his 35th Birthday in Albany where he lives with his family, who have given him a BBQ, Only one guess whats for dinner tonight, "cooked by himself, he can't wait" he says.
We've just got off phone after a nice long chat, he will be coming back up to Perth 30 Dec. we will be having a second Christmas when he comes.

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