secret garden

By freespiral

Windswept & Pink Tinged

A quick backblip - what a day! Torrential rain, gales, the odd bit of thunder and lightening and off to the airport. I thought it was too good to be true that both lads should be arriving at 6.30, one from Bristol and one from Birmingham. Sone #1 was nealry 5 hours delayed- technical reasons! Still, son#2 and I had supper and a good catch up and did a spot of people watching and the time flew. Arrived home at 1.30 this morning, dramatic sheet lightening on the way. A good sleep has been taken.

On the way in, the the skies suddenly cleared (briefly) and a sunset appeared. I zoomed up to Vaughan's Pass and was nearly blown away but there are some fine lowering pink tinged clouds.

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