Keith B

By keibr

Fragile communication

Enthusiasm for the great outdoors is not helped by a grey sky spitting rain down on us, melting snow dripping from every tree, slush on the ground, and temperatures of +4C.
None of our neighbours are out and the roads are still covered in ice, with all the grit washed away by the rain once more. So driving to the shops was cancelled and no-one is making up the hill to us. It feels quite and isolated, but in a cosy sort of way!
However, once I got outside it wasn't so bad and I walked down to the beaver dams and viewed some of their latest work, both building and felling.
Rather than the beaver engineering, in the end this rather minimalist image seemed to suit the day more. This fragile cable is our link with the outside world. At least it is metaphorically speaking because Internet actually arrives via a buried fibreoptic cable.

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