
By FatBob1962

V is for ...

1. the face, usually with reference to shape, features, expression, etc.; countenance.
2. aspect; appearance.
My thinking is thus: Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the Magi, the disciples, saw the visage (face) of Emmanuel (God with us). The promise of 1 Cor 13 is that one day all believers will see Him face to face.
In my mind there was a carol with the word "visage" in it - but I could not find it. There is an old hymn that uses the word -
O sacred Head, now wounded,
with grief and shame weighed down,
now scornfully surrounded
with thorns, thine only crown:
how pale thou art with anguish,
with sore abuse and scorn!
How does that visage languish
which once was bright as morn!

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