Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

Feeding the homeless

A very humbling experience tonight
I have just got back from feeding the homeless in manchester picadilly gardens.
I have met some of the most caring thoughtful people tonight and they were the homeless ones!
One girl i met called miley had been on the streets for 9 nights and not eaten for 3 of them. She had fallen earlier in the day and her jeans were still wet. We managed to get her some warm clothes, a sleeping bag and beef stew and tea.
Hopefully she will have a better night. She was only 22 and she reduced me to tears. We both cried, her, for her situation, me because i couldnt help more and she was someones daughter.
We met lots of people who were so grateful, not only for a meal but for a chat and being made to feel loved again.
Even the dogs got doggy treats. The guy in the picture with the dog 'sindy' was a case! Sindy had a lovely warm coat on covered in christmas lights, he clearly loved her to bits.
The other guy in the photo was shocked, he didnt think he would be getting anything warm tonight, just mince pies and cake from the nearby market traders.
I think i may be doing this again soon,
i will be thinking about them tonight when im in my warm bed and feel very grateful for it.

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