Definitive visual definition

Through the years, the phrase: a smattering of snow keeps cropping up in the purposely vague meteorological lingo of our local weather predicters. I theorize that they choose the word smattering, because it sounds a bit European and is therefore a bit mysterious and nebulous to the average midwesterner. It makes it sound as if it could legitimately mean a dusting, two inches or anything in between, therefore relieving them of the burden of having to be accurate, a skill at which they don't normally excel.

Today, just now, in fact, just prior to sitting down, I peeked outside to see how much of the predicted smattering had already fallen and discovered that it has started snowing again after a brief bit of sun this afternoon. The pavers, seen here, are clearly visible through what I will henceforth, officially consider a smattering of snow. As soon as I can no longer see the pattern, which will occur in a couple of hours, it will no longer be considered a smattering, but will have graduated to a dusting. That's just my interpretation but I'll stick to it.

Rebuilt my baby app from app inventor 1 to app inventor 2 since they have made no provision for being able to simply transfer or open up apps already under construction. Doesn't that seem like something a person should be able to do as soon as you start using the new version? Duh. It's the geniuses at MIT for crying out loud.

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