Christmas Tradition

One of our favorite holiday traditions is taking part in Village Books' Giving Tree, through which children who otherwise might not receive a book, or even a present of any kind, are given a book purchased by someone in our community.

This year, I decided to ask our grandchildren, Z (age 11-1/2) and B (age 10), to suggest some books they'd enjoyed. Feeling like a thoroughly modern grandma, I took some time with each of them when we were in the Seattle area last weekend to make notes on my iPhone of books they recommended. I then went to Village Books' website and ordered those available, and today I went in to pay for the books -- discounted by 20% to encourage participation in this program -- and to document them with this photo for Z and B.

These books, and many more, will go to children on the Lummi Nation reservation on Christmas Eve. Giving Tree donations made earlier this month went to the Interfaith Coalition's gifts program for homeless families, as seen in my December 17 blip, and to many other local organizations that connect children in need with age-appropriate books.

I'm very grateful for Z's and B's helpful suggestions, for the ability to help in this way, and for Village Books' leadership in making sure that children in our area can have the pleasure of owning their own books.

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