Class Act

At the invitation of my neighbors Greg & Theresa, whose house I've been painting, I attended this "Big Band Gospel Christmas Concert." It was not the sort of show I would think of going to. It would never occur to me.

To my happy surprise, the show was brilliant and I enjoyed it immensely. G. was the band leader and master of ceremonies (insert, on piano), and T. was in the chorus (at right, 3rd from bottom of stairs).

Greg has been preparing for the show for a few months. He's the church's music master, and he created this annual show five years ago as an outgrowth of holiday gatherings at his home. The proceeds go to food pantries at six nearby churches. the funny thing is that I've attended scores of concerts in this same space, and usually I'll know 1/4 the faces present. This time, I knew only the two who invited me.

There was a short segment when the state rep said a few sentences, then the pastor spoke briefly and half-spoke, half-sang a prayer. The rest of the show was singing, swaying, clapping, and very finely performed, classy music. The high point was Duke Ellington's version of The Nutcracker Suite, for which Greg & two friends produced sheet music (the originals being long lost).

99% art, 1 % religion, and no one remembered to bring their ego. Wonderful.

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