
By Croft16

All (greyish) white..

Did the harvesting I talked off yesterday, warmed up again with a mug of soup, and then headed down to Ullapool. It was a little slushy on the road at Duartmore, a couple of miles S of Scourie, but going over Skiag, 15 miles South conditions quickly deteriorated. Slippy slidey snow on the road, and the snow was falling rapidly. OK, we'd have made it through OK, but getting back in a couple of hours could be difficult. So I took a quick blip through the windscreen - I wasn't getting out in those conditions! - turned around, and came back. What we haven't got for Christmas, we'll do without!!

The wind is now getting quite strong, and rain is lashing down against the windows. Let Christmas begin. Just started my round of Stilton, and now going to wrap G's present(s)..!!

Have a good Christmas Eve Eve..

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