Country File

By marypot


I surprised the girls this morning with a trip to the cinema. Hubby stayed at home with Arwen who, at 14 months, is a bit young for the movies. We saw Frozen the new Disney movie. It hasn't had the best reviews, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and there were laughs and tears aplenty. The movie was stunning visually too - helped by the fact we were on the front row (an essential when you have a twitchy four year old like Ophelia in tow). This advert was in the cinema foyer and we had time for a photo there after the movie! Then we did a little shopping and had some lunch before heading back home, stopping at the crazily busy supermarket en route for the last of the Christmas groceries. Glad that's done. This evening I've started on some of the cooking and baking for the festive season. So exciting! The build up to Christmas this year has quite possibly been the most magical yet.

357/365 completed!

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